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- IYRES Research Integrity Charter
- Promising in carrying out research, research services and acting as a think tank in accordance with the policy of integrity and ethical research.
- To ensure the planning and implementation of the research is based on research needs.
- To ensure the primary mission to conduct research is to give priority to the development of youth and the community.
- To ensure the implementation of research and research services to comply with the rules, policies, procedures and financial management with ISO with transparency and accountability.
- To ensure the implementation of research and research services are based on the law and has accountability to stakeholders and parties involved with youth development.
- To ensure the implementation of research and research services does not take sides and tolerance towards any party either individual or organization.
- To ensure that the research outcome does not conceal any fact, is pure, transparent and not for one’s own benefit.
- To ensure the results of the research / data has integrity and are responsible for interpreting the results of research / data appropriately.